2017 Spring Development Group
Keep your game in check with the Chiefs development staff this spring season!
Available spots
Service Description
Is your child born in 2017 and looking to take part in some extra spring hockey development? Join us for our 2017 Spring development group from April 2-May 28th at the Chilliwack Coliseum! This program will consist of (2) weekly ice times run by members of the Chilliwack Chiefs coaching & development staff. We will also look to take part in exhibition games throughout the spring season. This program is an introduction to the Chilliwack Chiefs "Junior Chiefs" spring programs and serves as an opportunity for players and families to learn more about our program and coaching staff in a fun and development-based environment! Registered players will receive a jersey, team hat and will take part in (17) on-ice sessions. On-Ice Sessions will entail: Power Skating (Edge work, mechanics) Puck Control and Puck Protection Passing and Pass Reception Shooting & Scoring Technique Small Area Games and Battle Dates and Times: 2017 Development Group Monday & Wednesday's (Beginning April 2nd and ending May 28th) 545-645 PM- Chilliwack Coliseum Register now to join us this spring!
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
Chilliwack Coliseum, Hodgins Avenue, Chilliwack, BC, Canada